Below are videos of various conditions, with explanations of how and where to treat them. (subtitled in English)
-Self-treatment with the Sylo-pen
-Korte uitleg over algemeen gebruik
-Sylo-pen; Webinar on Effectively Treating Muscles and Fascia with the Sylo-pen
Self-treatment of various conditions
-Tennis elbow
-Neck pain or a stiff neck
-Treating back pain in the night train to Prague
-Treatment post-COVID patient intercostal muscles to relieve shortness breath and stiffness
Self-treatment of sport-related injuries
-Heel spur
-Posterior tibialis tendon dysfunction (PTTD), Pain on the inner side of the ankle
-Ankle distortion, inversion trauma, stiffness afterwards
-Achilles tendon problems
-Shin splints
-Calf strain or pulled calf
-Muscle cramp, muscle pain
-Explanation of the functionality for the innovation award
-Sylo-pen; Why???