The Sylo-pen is used to treat muscles in which myofascial trigger points occur. A myofascial trigger point is a pressure sore spot in a transverse muscle. In the muscle belly tight strand with a local thickening can be observed. This thickening can be treated with the Sylo pen which makes the trigger point disappear or decreases pain.
A muscle consists of muscle belly and a tendon. Via the App: Muscle Trigger Points, you can see exactly what the muscle belly and the tendon is. You can also see which trigger point in a muscle radiates to which place in the body. This is sometimes beyond the muscle. It is important to treat the trigger point and (usually) not the radiation area. When treating trigger points, it is important to place the Sylo pen perpendicular to the trigger point.
The Sylo-pen can speed up the recovery process for muscle pain. The Sylo-pen can treat muscles in places where it is difficult or impossible to reach with other massage techniques (effleurages or dry needling), such as with the intercostal muscles. When treating muscle pain it is also important to treat it perpendicular to the painful muscle. It is also necessary to treat the entire muscle abdomen.
The Sylo-pen can be used to treatadhesions in the fascia. Fascia is connective tissue that is present between and around the various (muscle) layers and just below the skin in the body. It is important that the fascia is flexible and easy to move. For treating the fascia just below the skin on the muscles, it is important to treat it perpendicular to the muscles.
With Sylo-pen you can treat scar tissue, which is also fascia. Treatment with Sylo-pen makes the "stiff" scar tissue smoother, so that the entire fascia moves better and less pain occurs. With a scar you also try to treat it as transversely as possible to the scar so that there is more movement in the total fascia.
Below you will find step by step how to use the Sylo pen.

How to use the Sylo-Pen

1. First, ask the person you are treating to consciously relax the treatment area by consciously releasing the muscle.
2. Use your finger to find the place where the trigger point is and/or where you feel (muscle) tension.
3. Hold the Sylo-pen with a pen handle in the middle, between the second and third ridge.
4. Next, ask the person again to consciously relax the muscle that you want to treat with the Sylo-pen.
5. Hold the Sylo-pen perpendicular to where you want to treat and touch the tip with the skin.
6. From this light pressure you press down once to a maximum of three times in a quick sequence, whereby the tip of the Sylo-pen does not leave the skin. In other words, the tip of the Sylo-pen remains in contact with the skin. This does not require a lot of power and must not be painful. Note: first start very gently; you can always increase the pressure in consultation with the treated person.
7. The area where the skin is touched may be somewhat sensitive; that is not strange. You should wait until the sensitivity has disappeared and only then continue to the next spot on the skin; never treat the same spot twice in one session.
8. A (un)conscious muscle contraction, a twitch, can occur during the treatment and is not disturbing.
9. Before you want to use the Sylo-pen in another spot, you must again ask the person to consciously relax the muscle again. Continue with point 2.
10. Please note: it is possible that you will receive a small bruise afterwards. This will recover within a few days to two weeks (especially if the person treated is taking bloodthinners). If it does not subside , consult a doctor.
11. Start with once a week in 1 specific place. First see how your body reacts to this. Very occasionally a little bruise appears, but this must first disappear. If there is no 'annoying' after-reaction, you can continue the threatment with the Sylo-pen increase to twice a week tot daily.
12. Disinfect the Sylo-pen after each use.
Note: For muscle pain and for the treatment of trigger points, use the Sylo-pen byapplying perpendicular pressure to the area where the muscle pain or trigger point is located.
To treat scar tissue, you must apply pressure to the side where the scar feels stiff and moves poorly. Also for treating adhesions in the fascia you put pressure in that direction with the Sylo-pen where you feel that the fascia feels stiff.
- If sensitivity has disappeared immediately, you may continue at another point. NEVER go directly to the same place.
- If sensitivity is not immediately gone, but within 30 seconds, you must wait 1 minute before you continue to treat the same muscle/fascia.
- If the sensitivity does not decrease within 1 minute, it sometimes helps to put pressure on the spot with a full hand. If sensitivity is gone, then no longer treat around the same muscle/fascia and wait a week to see how the muscle/fascia reacts to the treatment.
- The sensitivity does not subside within 1 minute, and after pressure with the full/flat handstill remains , then cover the area with the full hand and gently shake the tissue back and forth. As a result, the sensitivity must disappear further. Do not continue to treat the muscle/fascia and wait a week for the reaction to treatment.
- If the sensitivity does not diminish within 1 minute, it remains after full pressure. If the shaking of the tissue does not reduce the sensitivity, it is good to treat another part of the body very consciously with the Sylo-pen. Afterwards the sensitivity decreases somewhat, whereby the shaking of in the muscle/fascia area does help and the sensitivity completely disappears. When this reaction occurs, do not continue treating the muscle/fascia any further and first treat the surrounding tissue for a few weeks before you treat the same muscle/fascia again.
Note: You constantly need to have the patient consciously relax the muscle that is being treated!